Right Move Storage, LLC and VaultDrop, LLC Announce Free, Unlimited Cloud Storage Product for Self-Storage Customers
Houston, Tx— 2/14/2017 — Today, Right Move Storage, LLC and VaultDrop, LLC announced the implementation of their new Free Unlimited Cloud Storage product for all customers at properties operated by Right Move Storage. By combining traditional self storage with free unlimited cloud storage, Right Move Storage is accommodating all of their customers’ needs by providing safe, secure cloud and physical storage.
“This is a ground-breaking idea,” said Darren Kelley, President of Right Move Storage. “It was first presented to me by A.J. Esmailzadeh, Co-Founder of VaultDrop, LLC. We began working together to offer storage owners a unique product which creates incremental revenue and profit for the owner, while also providing an amenity to help them gain and retain customers.”
Positive Customer Impact
Many Right Move customers have already benefited from using their Free Unlimited Cloud Storage provided by VaultDrop. “Customers are having fun with our managers learning how to use their new services. It creates more interaction and gives the customers a little ‘Lagniappe’ – that’s Cajun for a ‘Little Something Extra,'” Kelley says. Customers may use the cloud storage to store their photos, music, documents, and videos for sharing with friends and family. They also receive their storage invoices and other information from the property directly to their VaultDrop account. VaultDrop can be accessed through the web as well as through its user friendly mobile app.
Owner Revenue Growth
“Since implementing VaultDrop across our self storage portfolio, our properties are realizing two to three additional rentals per month and generating incremental revenue, much like our tenant insurance program. We see this as a competitive edge, and as the industry becomes more homogenous, Free Unlimited Cloud Storage offers owners a product which sets them apart from the competition.”
About Right Move Storage
Founded in 2013, Right Move Storage, operating under the trademark Right Move Self-Storage®, is a privately owned, fully integrated real estate operating company specializing in the development, acquisition and management of self-storage facilities nationwide. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, the Right Move Storage team manages multiple properties nationwide. The Company is soliciting acquisitions nationwide of single facilities, multi-store portfolios, projects in development, and the management of existing operations.
For more information, please contact:
Darren Kelley
President, Right Move Storage
Phone: 832-415-3315
Email: dkelley@rightmovestorage.com
Website: www.rightmovestorage.com
About VaultDrop, LLC – Launched in 2016, VaultDrop provides secure unlimited cloud storage. Customers can store their pictures, videos, documents, and all other files and selectively share them with others. Every VaultDrop account is encrypted and its contents are divided and stored across multiple independently operated servers via https://private.me to provide superior protection from hacking and other threats. Cloud Storage usage is increasing at rates up to 30% per year, and VaultDrop allows innovative Self Storage companies to partner in offering Free Unlimited Cloud Storage to their customers for the total storage experience.
For more information:
E-Mail: contact@vaultdrop.com
Website: https://www.vaultdrop.com